Minced Beef- HALAL


Wholesale Minced Beef by Westco Foods in Trinidad gives you a great variety of choices for your next meal.

– We grind our own minced meat and package it for your convenience.
– Coming in cases of 12/1lb or 3/5lb, all our minced beef carries ‘HALAL’.

Readily available and affordable, it cooks fast and is delicious in so many dishes; lasagne, spaghetti and meatballs, burgers and fries, chilli, shepherds pie, meatloaf, the list goes on. So many different ways to use one simple meat cut. I bet you have never tried this, Giant Chorizo and Egg Sausage Roll. When you see it, you have to try it. Click this link and get the recipe of a lifetime. Seriously unique and seriously delicious, this versatile product will never run out of style. There is always something more you can add or try meaning it is one special meat cut that all freezers must-have.

– Guaranteed delivery within 24 hours of order.

Additional information


3/5LB, 12/1LB, HALAL 3/5LB, HALAL 12/1LB


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