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butcher cutting meat on band saw large

Announcement! Change Is In The Air! – To Better Serve You!

Your Cut Meats Simplified. 30 lbs per Case.

We are always looking for ways to better serve our customers at Westco Foods.

In the words of the late Winston Churchill –

‘To Improve, Is To Change.’

As part of our journey of continuous improvement, we are introducing new and improved systems and streamlining our processes.

Part of this change is that we are introducing a minimum order on cut meats that will increase our efficiency and help your order progress through our butchering department more smoothly.

ALL cut meats will now be sold in 30Lbs cases ONLY.

Customers need to order cut meat orders 2 days in advance. This applies to all orders, not only delivery. This is to ensure that there is no delay and that your order is delivered on time.

Keep an eye out for further updates and information as we continue the rollout of our new systems and processes.

Thank you for your ongoing business as loyal customers and we look forward to continuing to serve you and the Trinidad & Tobago food industry with quality products.

We appreciate your understanding as we implement these changes.

Cheers to a bright and successful future!

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